Baby Epp

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

i had a dream

in my dream, it was this morning, i got up, peed on a stick, and a big blue + appeared. In my dream everything was exactly how it is in my house, tony was getting ready for work, and for some reason, Leon was already up (unheard of at 6:15 am), he was wondering what we were doing and why we were hanging out in the bathroom. But it was a +.

Upon waking from the dream, i was confused, as the dream was so vivid and so 'real' i could have sworn i had already taken the test and gotten the result. But i hadn't, so i went and did that. I used a friend's method of peeing in the cup instead of directly on the stick, maybe that made the difference.... a big blue +.

So now, we have confirmed what i already knew - that was my last thought before falling asleep last night. I was super nervous about this whole testing thing, and the thought just popped into my head...then i'll know what i already know. Because really, i knew. I had the aforementioned symptoms, but beyond those, something just tells you. Beyond a hunch, or a suspicion.

But the dream did make it easier to get up and test, i already knew once again what the outcome would be.

So the pictures are taken of the stick...might use those in telling my sisters or something, we communicate a lot over email.....and now i also know why ppl save the really, why would someone want to keep a piece of plastic with a pee-saturated sponge in it? But you just do. I'm sure i'll throw it out at some point, but for now, it's like it's 'proof' that this is real.

By the way, i've already been talking to Baby Epp for a week or so..... Next week s/he'll already be the size of a raisin! that amazes me.

(ps - based on my estimations, my due date should be somewhere around June 30/07, which would make me about 5 1/2 weeks along right now. We'll see how close i am after a visit to my doctor, who thankfully is back at work now after a pretty bad accident).


since doc is only on half time since the accident, i have to wait 'till Nov 22 for an appointment. That's right, 3 more weeks. Sigh. And we didn't want to share the news with family until after things were 'confirmed' and we had an 'official' due date......we'll see what happens.


Blogger Karen said...

This is so real!

I'm SO excited for you :)

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About keeping the stick - I totally did that! And I still have it :)


2:52 PM  

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