a letter to baby (ok, i know you can't read yet)
Dear baby,
Please come late. Mommy just got a new job, and she's signing a contract until July 15. I know that's 15 days after you're "supposed" to come, and i don't expect you to wait that long, but maybe you could wait a few days, maybe until the 6th or 7th or so....i can always take some holidays at the end.
And don't worry, mommy will take good care of you, and she knows that you'll come when you come. And the neat thing is, mommy's new job is in the hospital, in the same building that she'll have to go to when she finds out you're ready to come into the world. In fact, she will be working one floor right below the wing she needs to go to to have you, so even if she works right until you're ready to come, she'll be very close and will for sure make it to the hospital on time (if you decide to come while she's at work).
We love you, can't wait to meet you in 6 months, but feel free to stay nestled in there a bit past June 30 if you want.
(ps - i may change my mind about this at the end, but remember, you should listen to and obey your mommy, so if, at the end, i decide i want you out on the 30th, or even earlier, anything i've said to you here is irrelevant).
Love mommy
Basically, you just have to bring your camera to work, hope Anthony can get there quick, and you're all set to go for going into labour at work! (That's how I reassured myself when I worked right up until my due date. But, I was two floors away from L & D, not one!)
yeah, especially given my dream that we didn't have our camera at the hospital for the birth, i'll have to carry it and my baby name book to work with me every day
I am sure that you are the first person to wish for their baby to be born late!
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