am i old-fashioned?
So i've noticed a trend whereby pregnant people my age tell the entire world pretty much as soon as they find out they're pregnant. I noticed this when I read a blog of a friend's cousin this week - she's a week behind me and has announced it on her blog.
I don't feel like telling the whole world right now, and i guess i kinda do subscribe to the whole "wait until you're 3 months along" thing. Not really sure why, but I do know that not telling everyone right away has given us more time to adjust to everything before all the well wishes and congrats come flying in from all around.
I don't really buy into the reason that it would be horrible if you miscarried in those 3 months and the whole world knew. Maybe years ago that was the case, but today, i think with the heightened awareness and openness surrounding reproduction, that miscarriages are less "shameful" now. (that's not quite the right word but my brain-on-hormones can't think of the one i'm looking for right now) Of course they're still devastating, and still a huge deal, but just because more people know doesn't mean it's harder (or maybe not even easier) to go through. It's just a different era, where more information is out there. Hey, i know things that i would have never known except via the internet (i.e., friend's cousin is pregnant).
Anyways, all this to say we are going to wait around 3 mos to tell the world; save for IMMEDIATE family (parents, siblings) and a few close friends. But the reasons for us doing so, and the reasons most people do not wait any more, don't really seem rational or logical (or even relevant), especially to this hormone-saturated brain. So why wait? I dunno. Why not tell people now? I dunno. But that's what we're going for.
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