I think i worry too much, but Danica pretty much can't fall asleep without her soother. Now this is typically the only time of day when she has her soother, but it's an absolute requirement for her to fall asleep (unless we're driving and it's her naptime). At night for sure, it falls out when she's asleep and she stays asleep fine, usually during her naps she sucks it almost the whole time. I know she's only 5 mos old, but I'm already thinking about when would be the best time to wean her from it (or possibly cold turkey, we'll see). I know that one of the main concerns with extended pacifier use is the teeth/mouth thing, and the other is the language development issue... now the latter shouldn't be a concern here as she rarely has it during the day when she's awake (usually just in church when her talking/babbling would be a bit too distracting for those around us), but I'm not sure about the first issue regarding teeth/mouth development...any input?
Don't worry about it! My doctor and dentist told me it's only a problem if they use the soother beyond age 3. If you are only giving it to her when she's sleeping it's no hurry to get rid of it. At this age they still really need a soothing mechanism. It's easier to take it away when they're older (in my opinion). I took Avery's away when she was 21 months old. She only used it for naps and night as well. At that age she was really interested in throwing things in the garbage so one day I asked her if she would like to throw her soothers in the garbage. So she did! There was a bit of confusion when she had her first nap after throwing them out. She asked for them a lot the first week but we just reminded her that we didn't have them anymore because she threw them in the garbage. I think it worked well because we weren't "taking it away". She did it herself. Even if we kind of tricked her. :) But don't rush her. When she's a bit older she may adopt a toy or a blanket or something that will be another soothing mechanism and she can make the switch more easily.
I agree with Shannon. They need it for soothing, and it's not a big deal as long as you don't let her have it when she's awake. If you take it away now, you're going to be nursing a lot more!
Plus, as Shannon said (because she is so smart), it works better to take it away and substitute it for something else. This probably will only work when she is older. She just wouldn't understand right now.
Of course, I have heard crazy things, like babies weaning themselves from the soother! Now, this was obviously not our experience, but you may be stressing yourself out for nothing! Cross your fingers!
And it totally depends on the child - my parents had to wean me, but with my brother, they accidently left it at a restaurant and that was it!
I know what you mean about the whole thing, though. We were lucky in that Jared never really took to the soother (we never really offered it much, either, which may have helped that), so now we don't have to deal with taking it away, but who knows about this next one!
I think there is no rush...Hey, she's sleeping, right? What else can a mommy ask for! 5 months is still pretty little, and I suspect she'll outgrow it on her own later.
I forgot to add this before, but we would use a soother if we could find them! We've owned four and lost them all! A friend just found one at her house and returned it, and I am planning on using it to help weaning...a project I am dreading but planning on doing this Christmas break...we'll let you know!
Helloooo! It was so neat to read all your updates. 6 months have flown by! I love the pictures of her in her swim suit. So fun! I am so glad that Danica is a easy going girl... such a blessing. about the soother.... it's definately better than a thumb! Noel is talking pretty good now, and his mouth is in better shape than Nicolaas'. He might need braces for a over-bite.
Have a Wonderful Christmas and all of God's blessings in the New Year!
I say, DON'T Worry! Jade sucks her thumb, so I can't just throw that away! My friends were successful in getting rid of their son's pacifier, and they waited until he was 2. They had a special party for him (just him and his parents). They made him a cake, and sang a bye-bye song to his binky. He walked right over to the garbage and threw it away!
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