Baby Epp

Friday, March 07, 2008

my poor baby

This past weekend we went to Calgary - Anthony and his friend took in monster trucks while Danica and I shopped with my friend Amanda and her 6 month old son, one of Danica's little friends. Danica was not feeling so well on Saturday during shopping, she was a bit whiney and very cuddly (thankfully I had the baby bjorn with me, so I just carried her in that most of the day).

Anyways, when we returned to my sister's where we were staying, Danica had quite the fever, I was actually pretty worried about her... but it came down to a more moderate fever temp quite quickly which was good, I was not looking forward to trying to take her to a clinic (or perhaps emergency, it was just borderline) in a different city/province.

Since then, she's had that fever off and on (more days on than off), and has developed quite a cough and a really snotty nose. She sneezes a lot, which usually results in some pretty impressive snot strands (I've started carrying around a snot rag for her...but she likes to wipe her face on my shirt too...ew!)

We took her in to the clinic back home, and she got some Amoxicillin (yay for banana flavored goop), and were advised to try advil, these seem to be doing the trick and she's back to her old playful self, save for longer nap times (which I don't mind), more waking/eating at night (which I guess is ok), and the occasional whiny/fussy moments. At least even when her fever was highest, she still had an appetite (at least for milk and cereal, forget trying to feed her veggies right now!)

But it's hard to see your baby sick...I don't even usually call her "my baby" but that's definitely been what I've called her all week. Other than a couple little colds that didn't really affect her, this is her first time being sick. We did get some cute pics of her cuddling with her dad, though...she was a lot more snuggly than usual which was pretty special. Still have to try to get a picture of her snot strings!


Blogger Allison said...

Hmmmm, I wonder if Jared's fever will develop into that.

12:16 AM  

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