Baby Epp

Monday, December 11, 2006


i think i'm beginning to feel better.

i have had a bit more energy as of late, and i realized yesterday that food is appetizing again. I no longer feel super sick if i don't take my meds on time, i even skipped last night's pill to see how i'd feel, and i didn't feel any worse than i normally do when i take it. And walking to work is pretty much back on pace with my pre-pregnancy time.

11 weeks and 3 days today...they say everything changes at 12 weeks, so maybe this is a preview of what's to come. I'd be super happy to feel 'normal' again (or at least a new version of normal).

On another note, mom was in Calgary and bought me a pair of maternity jeans from Old Navy...they are great! They have a low rise waistband thingy (the stretchy band of material all the way around type), it sits right under my belly. If i wear a longer shirt, you can't even tell they're maternity jeans. I was modelling the new pants for the guys at home, and Leon said "those look like your other jeans you always wear" (this is before he knew they were mat jeans, so woo hoo!). I love the cut, the color, the fit....i think they will quickly become my new favorite jeans. But for right now, my normal pants all still fit (though the waistbands are getting tighter), so i'll stick with them for a while longer.

Larissa also sent me a ton of baby stuff to use - sleepers, onesies, cute teeny socks, a baby bjorn, and a whole bunch of books - my favorite so far is the girlfriend's guide to pregnancy...much more casual and conversational than the "traditional" pregnancy books, and has info in it that is not in the other books.

Feeling good, physically and emotionally :)


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