Baby Epp

Friday, December 01, 2006

first inklings

retrospectively, there were a few things that kinda twigged me off to the fact that i was pregnant, even as early as 4 weeks along....

For one, i was very very tired. On the mother/daughter retreat (Oct 20-22), i basically slept or rested the entire time - even though they were doing activities that i was SOOO excited about participating in (such as Amazing Race), i just could not bring myself to get up off the bed to go do them. And that weekend, i was also very hungry - we had brunch Sunday morning, and about 9am, i just knew that i HAD to eat something RIGHT THEN, i would not make it until 10:30 when the meal was supposed to start.

At the time, i just dismissed it as nothing, as i did not really want to get my hopes up and then have them dashed (as we had for a few months prior). That month, i was just not going to think about it, not going to suspect every little thing.

I was quite successful at that. So much so, that when i came to the point when i ran up the stairs one day and the movement of "the girls" caused me to wince in pain, and when i started noticing other signs, Anthony was very skeptical. Rightfully so, as I had, in previous months, kept him very well informed of every little thing that i thought just might be a 'sign' of baby-hood. So once that blue + showed up, THAT's when he realized I wasn't just speculating. As i mentioned before, by then i KNEW already (especially after that dream), but for him, that was a necessary thing.

Marc mentioned on his blog that their forthcoming children do not become real to him until after he sees the ultrasound...i imagine it's like that for quite a few men. Lord willing, Anthony and I will get to hear the heartbeat of our child at my next prenatal appointment (Dec 22), i think it will be even more real for Anthony at that point.

As for me, my pants are already starting to get tight around the midriff, and i can sure feel a firmness under my belly that wasn't there before - especially noticeable when i lay on my stomach (man, am i ever going to miss laying on my stomach!), so it's quite real for me already.


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