Baby Epp

Saturday, September 01, 2007

stories from the waiting room

At Danica's 6 week checkup, we were waiting back in the area where they do the weights & measures, she was sitting in her carseat. There was a little girl (about 5) with her mom, she was getting weighed. She saw Danica and said "Mom, can I play with her?" The mom said "well, honey, she's trying to sleep right now." The girl was fine with that, and then started admiring Danica instead... "she is SOOOOOOOO cute! Mom, look how cute that baby is! She is just so beautiful!" (You could tell this little girl had been around others who were cooing over babies in this way, her mannerisms were so "grown up")...The nurse came to take them to their room, and while they were leaving she said to her mom "mom, i just can't get enough of that cute baby!" It was so funny.

This week, we had Danica's first round of immunizations, and we got there just when her nap time usually starts, so she was pretty fussy. This turned into full blown wailing, and i was cuddling & trying to soothe her, when another mom came back from the shots with her two kids...she made some comment about my little one not being too happy after getting her needles, and i said "oh no, we haven't even gotten them yet!" Thankfully, when she did get them, she screamed bloody murder for about 1 minute, then calmed right down and went to sleep before we even got back to the waiting room.


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