new symptom
So, another first this week - i had read somewhere about how your abdomen muscles stretch and "grow" (i know that's not the right term) in order to support the baby as s/he grows, but i didn't realize it would feel like THIS.
It feels like i did a few hundred sit-ups, or that i was up all night coughing, or that sore-ab feeling you get after puking and heaving when you have a super bad flu.
Walking hurts, sitting is starting to hurt, and let me tell you, having Jessa pulling on her leash during her morning walk this morning did NOT feel pleasant at all, as it caused my torso to twist.
For any of you experienced people out there, did you ever experience this? How long did it last?
This (among other new bodily experiences) have really made me realize exactly how much your entire body is affected by a pregnancy. For some reason, i never ever thought about the whole-body aspect of pregnancy and childbearing before. I basically knew that your boobs and belly would grow huge, and that it would probably affect your back and sense of balance from the extra weight, and that you'd possibly have nausea and weird foodaversions/cravings. But sore abs? Never heard of it before now. I'm sure there will be much more to come as well in terms of new body discoveries.
Hey, I'm not sure if this blog is publically known yet, but Marc saw that you linked to his blog from here so we kind of found it.
When I was 16 weeks pregnant with Madeline we were on our last day of holidays in Cypress Hill (and on our way to Alberta). My stomach hurt so bad that I had to sit down very carefully and I had to make slow movements to move. We spent 4 hours in the Maple Creek hospital -- apparently there are no doctors there (or patients or nurses). THe place was empty. We eventually found out that it was just "growing pains" as my uterus expanded.
And with my other pregnancies I've had that too. WHen my belly gets bigger, especially, it feels like the top of my belly is bruised b/c it's so stretched.
I would say that most of that kind of pain/uncomfortableness is normal -- unless you have really stabbing pains. And obviously if there is ever any bleeding that goes with the pain you should get it checked out.
Congratulations by the way!!
thanks! Yeah, this site will be public in about another week or so, but feel free to poke around on it before then. It's great to get advice and stories from people who have been there before.
And yeah, they're just dull achey-muscle type pains, nothing sharp and no bleeding, so i think it's probably what you're talking about.
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