Baby Epp

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Prenatal appointment 3 (if i haven't lost count)

Monday was our 4mo checkup, everything is good. Growth and weight gain right on track; i gained the "suggested" 4 lbs this past month, and that was with Christmas in the middle, as well as 3 1/2 weeks off work where i wasn't getting in my daily walking commute.

Dr. tried to measure baby's heartrate, but every time she got the doppler in place and started counting, baby would let out a few big kicks and would move away from the mic. She tried 3 times but couldn't get the kid to stay still enough. It's funny, though, the kicks sounded really huge and loud on the doppler, but i couldn't feel them at all. Makes me wonder what kind of karate or boxercise this kid is doing when i CAN feel the movements.

My ultrasound is booked for Feb 28, that's the earliest i could get that Anthony could attend. So i'll be 22 1/2 weeks at the time. I guess they will need an hour, as i'll be past the 20-21 week point (they said if it's before then, it's only a 30 minute appointment - does anyone have any insight into why this is the case?).

On another note, i told my new supervisor that I'm expecting, and she was VERY excited for me and gave me a big hug. She even started asking about if i'd want to come back after my mat leave - i said i don't expect there to be a position for me, as i'm only on term now, and she said if i want to come back, they can probably arrange for it, as the study will still be running at the time. So that's cool to have that option.

I think that's about it for now, it was a terribly busy week last week, hence the lack of posts. Hopefully things have calmed down enough now that i can get some sort of routine back into my life. I sure am glad for the 2nd trimester energy-levels-return-to-almost-normal-and-nausea-disappears!


Blogger Nevada said...

I have no idea why that could be... My dr. here did an ultrasound at every apointment and it took about 5 minutes.

1:11 AM  

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