Baby Epp

Thursday, November 16, 2006

irrational fear #1

so far, i have done pretty well with not worrying about all the 'what if's' that are possible in any pregnancy. This somewhat surprises me, since i'm generally a pretty big worrier, but i decided at the beginning that since God had given us this child, He would take care of things, and they'd work out in His way, whatever that may be. So i decided to just leave it to Him, and not worry about things that i have no control over.

(that's a HUGE step for me for those of you who know how much i like to have control over every detail of things).

Anyways, the one little niggling worry i've had the past few days is that when i go to my appointment next week, the dr. will be like "you're not pregnant, it's just ______" (fill in the blank with whatever condition it could be). I know that this is 99.9% UNLIKELY to happen, but i'd feel so silly if it did. We'd have to go to the people we'd already told, to 'retract' our news, it would just feel so dumb of us.

but yeah. if that's my only irrational fear so far, then i'm feeling pretty good.


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