Baby Epp

Monday, February 05, 2007

growth spurt

This past week has been interesting. I have been insanely hungry all the time, and simply could not get full on the normal amount of food that i'm used to consuming.

I would pack my normal sized lunch (which includes numerous snacks to eat throughout the day), and i would be through all the food by early afternoon and still be ravenously looking for something else to consume.

But i can tell where all the extra nutrients have gone - boy, did my belly ever pop out last week! I was talking with Leon one night, and in the middle of my sentence, he looked at me and said "You just exploded're getting big! No! Not like that, your belly!"...then a few days later, i ran into one of his friends, who said to me "Wow, Leon was right! Your belly is growing a LOT!" (nothing like 17 year old boys checking out your body, eh?)

I also had a pretty achey week - my hips, legs, and lower back were generally funny feeling at best, and downright stiff and sore at worst. I brought my body pillow into the bed on a more permanent basis, and that seems to be helping. And of course, more nausea and a bit of puking (now THAT was a bit surprising, as i've been feeling 99% well for the past 3 or 4 weeks, now it's back - i suspect ALL of these symptoms have to do with the extra girth i now have :)

Oh, and i now only have 2 pairs of my non-maternity pants that still fit at the waist - these two, of course, are the ones that were quite large on me pre-baby. So i had to take a trip to the maternity store on Saturday, and was able to find a really comfy pair of cords on sale. Mat clothes can be SOOOO expensive, i try not to buy things regular price unless i'm in love wiht the item. So far, i'm doing quite well....i have 2 pairs of jeans, 1 pair of khakis, one pair of cargos and now the cords, and the most i've paid for any given pair was $30. So for now, that's almost enough to get me through work (i rarely wear jeans to work), and i'll just pick up more items as i need them. Still good on the shirt front, have been picking up a couple here and there when i find them on sale...and with the mainstream style of longer shirts these days, i am finding lots of non-mat shirts that will work at least for the next while, until the next growth spurt.


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