6 months and all is well
wow. 2/3 done.
Had prenatal app't #5? (i've lost track) yesterday, everything is good. I had another med student for this appointment, this time he was a 4th year (3 weeks away from being done and then just his residency left), and he knew what he was doing. He actually ended up doing the whole appointment himself, as the nurse had told him just to get started with me, and the dr. didn't know she had a student shadowing her today, so she was in with another patient.
But "Dr. Luke" (when can we start calling the students dr's?) did very well, asked all the pertinent questions, answered my questions well, knew exactly what tests to order at this stage (glucose test here we come!) When my dr. came in to check on what he had done, it was all good. She got him to explain the WinRo shot thingy to me (I'm - , tony's +), so i'll get that at my next appointment. Too bad he's going into neurosurgery for his residency, he had great bedside manner, excellent communication skills, and would make a great family physician in my opinion. Of course, i'm sure those skills will also come in very handy when explaining the recommended brain surgery to a patient and his/her family...but I digress.
Another 3 pounds gained, which makes my total to date 12 lbs. I'm good with that. No swelling, no spotting, lots of movement, good bp, good heartrate from baby, fundal height is right on....nothing to be concerned about. Other than the sickness at the beginning, and general achiness these days (especially in the hips, and in the round ligaments and pelvic floor area), things have been quite good for me physically during this pregnancy.
Emotionally, i've been doing pretty well also. I've had a couple freak out moments when i've realized a bit of the magnitude of the changes that this will bring to our lives, and realizing that i'll be a parent, responsible for the wellbeing of this child. And of course, the hormonal cries and hyper-sensitivity, which have been even more noticeable in the past week or two. Feeling a bit more tired now as well, but not nearly as tired as the first trimester.
I hate needles. I especially hate needles that go into fatty tissue/muscle-y parts. Win-Row shots go there. Into the hip. Yuck. I've already had 4. Too many in my lifetime. And more to come.
Good luck! :)
Actually, they aren't all that bad. At least they don't make the injection sight sore like the needles we got in public school did!!
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