Ultrasound day
So today, we get to see our baby for the first time. Anthony's picking me up after work and we'll go meet this little one...
I am most interested in seeing how s/he is lying in there, i have a hunch that the bulge on my right side is the bum, and the flutters/jabs at bottom left must then be arms. Unless it's upside down in which case those may be leg movements. I'd really like to put a name to the body parts i have been poking at. Really, now would be a good time to find out if i'm actually smacking him/her on the bottom or donking them on the head. Yeah.
Another thing that will be good is to confirm there's just one in there. I know rationally that if it were twins, there would have been other signs by now, but this past weekend, three people saw my expanding girth, found out i was at 22 weeks, and asked "are you SURE it's not twins?" So those conversations put that thought into my brain....yeah. I figure the dr. would have not had such a hard time finding a heartbeat the first couple times if there were two to choose from, and we probably would have heard more than one at some point.... maybe?
Don't know if i'll have a chance to post after the appointment today, but probably by later tomorrow there should be an update.
Yeah, about that breech thing...I thought I was smacking Jared on the bum for the longest time, and then I had an ultrasound at 30 weeks and it turns out I was smacking his head. Ooops! Oh well, he turned out just fine! (And he did flip to normal, just in the nick of time! Not the most pleasant weekend, though!)
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