Baby Epp

Monday, March 05, 2007

Info. for Moms & Moms to be

I've heard about a couple things happening in the S'toon area for moms/moms to be, so i thought i'd post it here for anyone who may be interested.

First, there's a website at about things to do in s'toon and resources for S'toon area regarding babies, prenatal stuff, etc. One thing to check out is her list of local sales (consignment & other) that are happening this spring with baby/maternity stuff - link found here: This lady has really done a lot of work pulling this information together in one place, makes it easy to use and become informed about this stuff.

Second, for all you belly buddies, there are a couple research studies happening on campus right now that you may want to check out (i'm a big believer in participating in research if/when i can, depending on the study). First is one on "feelings in pregnancy" - (oh, i guess it's also happening in Moose Jaw!), the other is a "sleep during pregnancy" study. There's no website for this one, but they're studying sleep patterns of women with preeclampsia during pregnancy compared to those without preeclampsia - so whichever group you fit into, they'll take you. Somewhere around 30 weeks, you get to spend a night in the sleep research lab hooked up to heartrate monitors (you and baby), and stuff like that, and they're also looking at breathing problems during sleep, which can be quite common for pregnant ladies (especially with all the changes to the nose/sinus area due to hormones). If you're interested in getting more info. on this one, you can call Dr. Reid at 966-8287.


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