Baby Epp

Monday, April 16, 2007

slightly more random question

where does one find a good diaper bag, other than the not-so-good quality stuff at walmart/zellers, etc?

edit: also, any comments on the benefits of an actual "diaper bag" versus a large purse/other generic bag?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just bought an oversized purse that I liked from Old Navy. Especially when they are very small, babies don't need too much in a bag. Now that Abbie needs food, toys, etc., I sometimes use an actual diaper bag. I just got it at Walmart. They sometimes get nice ones in, but they sell out fast. If you want to spend $100 or more, you can go to Two Little Birdies.
- Jody

9:18 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There's Sears and Toys 'r Us and the Bay too, I guess. But some are really expensive and still don't last very long. They had some really cool ones at Motherhood Maternity in Midtown.

9:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I bought my diaper bag off E-Bay, there are tons of styles to choose from. I prefer a actual diaper bag compared to a purse because it has lot's a compartments and everything doesn't just fall to the bottom. I know a few people who have "Skip Hop" diaper bags and LOVE them. They are pricey but worth it. Check out
Good luck!

3:33 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

Cravings has some really nice ones, and lots to choose from. I personally got mine from e-bay, and I love it. I always needed quite a bit of space - when Jared was little, I had to have at least one extra outfit, plus all the diapering stuff, and I just put all my junk in it, too, rather than carrying a diaper bag and a purse. While I do love my bag, I probably would go for a cross-the-body bag next time. I've discovered that my shoulders are quite narrow, so the bag constantly slips onto my elbow. Of course, Ryan doesn't have that problem, so if you have ample shoulder space, it shouldn't be an issue... I also had to consider him when choosing a bag, because I wanted him to WANT to carry it, not be forced to carry a girlie bag.

10:55 PM  
Blogger Nevada said...

Our first one was a regular backpack. It had lots of compartments, too, and fit everything really well. Plus you could wear it on your back which easier. Unfortunately we left it in the back of a taxi, so our new bag is also a school bag style shoulder bag. Both were WAY cheaper then official 'diaper' bags and have just as many (if not more) compartments. And Chris likes them because they look 'cool'.

8:44 PM  

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