Baby Epp

Thursday, May 24, 2007

34 1/2 weeks, again all is well.

Prenatal appointment #7 (if i can count) today was fine, nothing new to report. Weight gain of 1 lb this month for a total of 20. Baby's heartrate was 140, head is down. I go back in 2 weeks.

Now on to some other random things that i've been meaning to blog just for posterity's sake...

- I had my first Braxton hicks on the weekend, i was bending over to get something from a lower cupboard, and when i stood up, my stomach (uterus) did not relax with the rest of the stomach was a tight little ball for about 30 seconds, no pain, just tight. I've had a few more since then, usually in the early evening, nothing regular or painful. A friend of mine who is due late August has been having them for a few weeks already, and the "baby progress" emails I've gotten mentioned them a few weeks ago, so i was kinda wondering if/when i'd start getting them.

- After weeks of wearing sandals, i put on shoes again the other day when it was cold and rainy...yeah. My feet must be a tad swollen or just bigger, i swear they used to fit just fine! Now i wonder which of my pre-pregnancy shoes i'll never be able to wear again. I'm not a huge shoe fanatic but there are a few pairs that just fit that i quite like, which will probably be given away if this is my new foot size.

- A couple weeks ago, for some reason i thought to myself "i'm not very big, i wish my belly would get bigger". Yeah. Well, it has. On Sunday, i swear the kid put on at least a pound, my belly was sooooooo heavy i could not stand any more, i had to lay down and even then the pull of the belly towards the bed was incredible! Maybe s/he just changed positions and was sticking out further or something, but something definitely shifted from sunday morning to sunday afternoon. Oh, and my belly is officially bigger than a good-sized watermelon too, my mother-in-law brought one over on the weekend and i could not believe that my belly was bigger until they took pictures to prove it - i'll have to post those. From my vantage point, my belly didnt' seem that big... Oh, and i'm not wishing for bigger any more, i realized with anywhere from 0 to 7 weeks left (if i go overdue), this belly will be growing a lot on its own, i don't need to hope for that.

- I have the baby room color picked out, it's a muted yellow, not bright, but not pale either. We're going to get paint for the baby room and the new office tonight, i'm excited about that. The new office is close to done, then we will move the stuff out of the baby room and paint that, and then we're ready to put things in it.

- I also bought a baby book on the weekend, for recording details of baby's first few years. My parents did one for me when i was a baby, and i love looking at it, so it's something i really wanted to do for our kids. I got it at McNally's - they had about 25 different ones to choose from, so i spent time looking through all of them. I really like the one I picked, it has a couple pages for mommy & daddy’s history – where they were born, what they were like growing up, where they met, how they got engaged, when/where the wedding was, etc., then a family tree back to great grand parents (our grandparents), then goes into the pregnancy – when/how we found out you were coming along, how we felt, what daddy thought you were (boy/girl), what mommy’s guess was, the meaning behind the name we picked & other names we considered, the labour/delivery story, what was happening in the world the day s/he was born, baby’s first home, baby’s room, special visitors & gifts, christening/dedication ceremony, then onto the first smile, first tooth, first steps, first words, etc. This one also has a page for birthdays 1-5 and the last page is the first day of school (that made me cry when I was looking at it)…

Ok, i think that's all for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it the Noah's Ark baby book? One of my friends bought the Noah's ark one at McNally, then again for her second child. Then she bought a third one even though she wasn't pregnant, but wanted to have three kids and she loved the book so much she wanted to make sure she got a third copy! So, it must be good!

11:27 PM  

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