Baby Epp

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Prenatal app't #6

Once again, all is well. BP is good, my glucose test came back perfectly in the normal range {phew}, baby's growth and heartrate is right on track. I did gain 7 pounds last month (eek!), but that only brings my total to 19, which is still in the right range. And people keep reminding me how much this belly has popped out in the past month - i know baby didn't put on 7 lbs, but probably at least a couple of those were baby, and the girls are bigger yet again too. And i'm holding on to more fluids (but not very swollen), and i got weighed at the end of the day as opposed to my usual morning appointments. There. That's my rationalization.

I also got my Win-Rho shot, i don't particularly like getting needles - the thought of something metal stuck into my body kinda weirds me out (yeah, i know, that's how epidurals come, and that's exactly why i really don't want an epidural - not because of the philosophical aspect of pain relief versus none, but because the thought of that needle going into a teeny space right by my spinal cord really freaks me out.) Anyways, back to Win-Rho: my sister in law Ang got hers in the "hip" so i was all ready for that, and it turns out my doc injects it into an arm vein! No complaints there.

I go back in a month - i thought i'd be on 2 week appointments now, but maybe not. So i'll see her at 35 weeks, then 37, then every week. Is this usual? I thought after 30 i'd go every 2 weeks. I guess if everything is going this well and there's no concerns, maybe she's starting the more frequent appointments later on...


Blogger angela said...

Grrrl, you don't need to justify gaining weight. You are pregnant. That is justification enough. By the time I was 29 weeks, I had gained 35 lbs.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

If you don't want a epidural, that's totally fine. But you probably won't care much about the needle when you're in the midst of labour. Trust me. :) I have no recollection whatsoever of feeling any pain when I got my epidural needle. My contractions were so strong and frequent then that I was way to focused on them to care about some little needle.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oh yeah, and whoever came up with 25 pounds as an average weight gain. I think I know about 2 people who gained that much. If I consider all my friends who've had babies in the past year I think I'd say 40 pounds was about average and plenty (including me) went waaay over that. So really, don't waste your time thinking about it!

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Lynette,

Remember that the pounds aren't just going to you & the baby, but also to the weight of your uterus, amniotic fluid, and all the extra blood your body is circulating. Don't even give 19 pounds a second thought!

I remember one month I thought I had gained quite a bit, so I stopped eating anything & everything I thought about, then the next month I barely gained any, so I think the scales were off (plus time of day difference).

Yeah, my doctor starts bi-weekly appointments at 30 weeks, weekly at 35 weeks, and twice a week at 40 weeks. I guess you could phone the receptionist and double-check, but I supposed every doctor is different.

4:58 PM  
Blogger Allison said...

I had the same as Jess for appointments - every two weeks starting at 30 weeks, and that's the same for everyone else I've talked to. Maybe you will want to double check...But probably not a big deal.
And I also totally agree with Shannon: you won't even think about the epidural. I get queasy at the thought of needles, but I was all for it that day! Like Shannon said, if you don't want it, don't get it, but to put your mind at ease, you won't be thinking about the needle at that point.
Weight gain: recommended 25 - 35 pounds for women of normal weight. You have no worries. Obviously, you don't want to be putting on 100 pounds or anything, but you have to give yourself some grace! Mine was a 35 pound pregnancy, and I ain't ashamed of it! Of course, Jared was a big baby... :) I really hope he will be the biggest of all my kids! We need to go for coffee again.

10:35 PM  

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