Baby Epp

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Bathing Suit Saga

I'm still swimming 3 times a week, and i love it. But with my latest growth spurt, my regular bathing suit has been feeling quite tight around the middle and a bit uncomfortable. I know i could probably keep wearing it for a while yet, but i don't want to stretch it out and wreck it, it's a good swimsuit and if possible i'd like it to be in a good condition so i can wear it post-baby (assuming i still fit into it).

So, i've been on the hunt for a maternity swimsuit. From seeing the other ladies in my thurs nite aquacise class, i know they're out there somewhere, but where???? (if you know, please tell me). I have been to the maternity stores in town, they have one or two suits that are not very inspiring (i.e., navy with red piping), and they're selling for about $85-$110. Same with the two maternity suits available at the swimwear store in the mall. Walmart has ONE maternity swimsuit, it's a tankini top, but the part over the stomach is a wrap-style (i.e., it's not sewed together, it just overlaps a bit), and i know that when i go swim, it's just gonna float up around my boobs and be useless - i might as well just wear the bikini that I already own (not quite brave enough for that...)

(note: I did wear the bikini to my saturday class, with a tank over it, but the tank got all stretched out and was floating around my boobs, so it was pretty annoying. I'll have to try with a more fitted tank).

So last night, i ended up going online to, they had quite a few maternity bathing suits, quite a few of which are really cute, and very good prices (about $15 - $20 for each piece of the tankini). So i decided to order some online....HOWEVER, that is when I found out they do not ship to Canada. A quick phone call to my sister-in-law revealed that her friend from Montana is coming to SK in 2 weeks, so i got her friend's address, and am shipping my swimsuits there. Yes, swimsuits - plural. I ordered a tankini set (chocolate brown) for $15, a turqouise, white and black print tankini top for $20 (i have black bottoms that fit just fine), and another tankini top (flowers with brown background, to wear with the brown bottoms) for $2. Yup, $2.00. So if they all fit, i'll have 3 functional bathing suits for about $50 CAD, and they'll reach me in about 2 weeks.

Here's to hoping!


Blogger Allison said...

When I was considering a maternity bathing suit, Thyme and Motherhood both had more than a couple...Not sure why they have less now. Have you tried Cravings or Two Little Birdies? I've never looked there, but they might be an option. But they will be expensive, most likely... Maternity bathing suits never fit my boobs, so I just stuck with my regular two piece, which worked fine. I know you said you weren't brave enough to wear your two piece, but I'll support you! Hey, look at me - I've got the post-baby extra skin and I wear a two piece! I'm sure you would look great!

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was going to say "Go to Old!". THere are a few O.N. stores in Canada that have maternity (Toronto, Winnipeg, probably in Alberta, too.), I thought if you found what you wanted on the net, maybe you could call those stores and have them shipped up. But I guess you got that figured out.

I'm so irritated with these stores that don't ship to Canada. When I was pregnant with Madeline I got super deals on maternity at, luckily, my cousin lives in the states. But it was still a hassle and quite expensive getting it to me.

And, really, the only time I feel comfortable in my bikini is when I'm pregnant, b/c at least you can't tell how flabby my stomach is. So go for it -- once you feel comfortable. That's what I love about aquasize -- nobody can see you while you're jumping around in teh water.

3:58 PM  
Blogger Nevada said...

Clever girl, to order online. You're getting a great deal. I'm like Allie, I just wore my standard bikini top with board shorts. Although, I didn't swim after my 7th month. Happy Shopping!

8:29 PM  
Blogger Karen said...

So... any updates?

10:41 AM  

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