Baby Epp

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Fetal Movement Categories

So, with baby epp being much more active as of late, i have realized that there are definitely different types of movements/feelings that I have experienced...

1. The Jab - presumably a leg or arm, this feeling is in a very specific spot, and produces a sudden poke or kick-type feeling. Sometimes causes me to jump a bit, and i'm sure they only get stronger.

2. The Flip - a larger scale movement, accompanied by the feeling you get in your stomach when you do a bit of a free-fall on a fair ride or roller coaster. May or may not be accompanied by jabs or squirms. Happens maybe once every 2-3 days.

3. The Squirms - again, more widespread than the jab, but less general movement than the flip. Sensation is in multiple areas at once, and is not just one contact, but many smaller patters. Can last for a few minutes at a time, punctuated by jabs. These are the most frequent movements, often felt for a few hours each day (thankfully just during the day).

4. The Clench - I think this one is actually the uterus muscle squeezing in, holding for a few seconds, then releasing. Belly feels quite tight and firm while this is happening. Not painful at all, just like when you squeeze a muscle tight. Happens maybe once or twice a day, often while using other abdominal muscles (i.e., to sit up in bed, etc.).

5. The Bzzzzzz - No clue what this one is, but you know the feeling you get when you're on something that is vibrating? Now imagine that feeling just in your uterus area (sorry, guys!), it just quivers for a few moments. Has anyone else felt this one? Any ideas as to what causes it? Happens for a few seconds, maybe every 3 or 4 days at most.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My non-scientific interpretations:
1. The Jab - can also be bony elbows or knees
2. The Flip - you explained it
3. The Squirms - in one of my pregnancies it was legs straightening out
4. The Clench - Braxton Hicks? It's not too early! Do you find it also happens when you're cold?
5. The Bzzz - I have no clue. I did not experience this. Maybe intestinal? Eh, not as fun.

1:43 AM  
Blogger Cheri said...

Wow, I love blogger because I love finding old friends!! Congratulations on being preggers, enjoy every minute of it! Do you know if it's a boy or girl?

We had a baby back in October and he's so much fun! Micah David. Lots of pics on my blog if you're interested.

It's so cool to reconnect! I hope your pregnancy continues to go smoothly along with your labour and delivery.
Cheri (Gingerich) Wolfrom :)

2:56 PM  

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