Baby Epp

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Friday's quote of the day

"I'm going to be a daddy!" - said by Anthony, accompanied by an incredulous look and silly grin when he felt this kid move for the first time, and saw my belly move on the outside.

We had quite an eventful evening last night, and when we finally arrived home after 1am, baby was quite active. I called Anthony to come quickly, and he was able to feel a lot of the kicks and movements that I was feeling. He was so very excited, and it was definitely a moment where this all became more real for him. I joked that now he had proof that i wasn't just getting a fat belly from overeating.

What a special moment, though. It really put into perspective how different his experience of all this is from mine, i go through each day with the reality that there's a child growing inside me, but for him, it's been a fairly abstract concept, only becoming more concrete with experiences like seeing the positive pregnancy test (i knew, but that was his 'proof'); noticing my belly suddenly expand overnight, and now feeling the movements that I have been feeling for a while. And each moment when it has become more real for him, it has also become even that much more real for me, as I see his reactions and the silly little grin.

I just know Anthony is going to be a great dad, and a wonderful partner in parenting for me. Just seeing how he already talks to the baby and interacts with my belly is very heartwarming...


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