20 weeks and all is well
Half way there, it's hard to believe. I wouldn't say that this first 4.5 months has gone quickly, but i imagine parts of the next 4.5 will definitely fly by (and probably parts of it will drag on and on and on...)
Other than being busy, things are going well. Baby is moving a TON now, Anthony still can't feel it on the outside, though. But the highest levels of activity are during the day when i'm at work, so maybe on the weekend during the day he'll be able to feel something.
I realized that although it's a pretty cool feeling, that sometimes it isn't all that great (gasp!). Let me explain. To me, a lot of the smaller movements just feel like my stomach does when I'm really worked up and nervous over something and my gut is churning and I can't eat. So then when my body feels very similar to that due to baby, my mind interprets it as being nervous and anxious, and then i'm sitting there feeling uneasy and trying to figure out what's bothering me, what's making me feel that way.
I've also been going to the bathroom a LOT more in the past week than is usual, and moreso than i've experienced thus far in pregnancy (except for maybe a week around 9 or 10 weeks). I'm not used to having to go so often, and it's definitely an adjustment...i'm beginning to understand what my fellow "belly buddies" (and those that have been there before) mean when they say the first thing they do when entering a new building is scout for the bathrooms.
Last week the girls went va-voom yet again, and i outgrew the last of my pre-pregnancy bras that still fit to that point. Thankfully, LaSenza had a sale on, and i was able to find a bunch in my new size for about $9 each - very nice comfy ones (good thing they were cheap, as i suspect i'll be bra shopping again before this is all over). Tony is impressed at my new voluptuous-ness, and scarcely believed me when i told him that there is more to come...I put on one of my pre-prego bras (one of the smaller ones that i had, but it fit fine before), and MAN, does that ever put it into perspective where i've come from and where i am now!!!
So I was going to ask for some photos of your progress. Then you go and mention 'the girls'.
Now I feel silly for asking.
so I don't have the biggest boobs of the sisters anymore? WHOO HOOO!
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