i've lost count...
prenatal appointment # ?? yesterday was all good. Gained 5 lbs since the last one (only 2 weeks ago, eek!), bp is fine, baby is growing fine, all is well.
Asked my dr. about delivery, and she does all her own patients. She is on holidays starting July 1, but will be in town the first week, and said she'd come in to do the delivery if s/he's born that week. If it's after July 7, it will be someone else, as she's going out of province. But she figures it should come before she leaves town.
Now i'm on to weekly appointments, so i booked my next 3, which will take me up to my due date. Being optimistic, i didn't book one for the week after my due date...I guess we'll see if i need one more or not.
Next week's appointment is the group B strep swab. No biggie. I had to chuckle to myself at our prenatal class, as one of the (very) pregnant ladies was asking the health nurse if that swab was ABSOLUTELY needed, as she was scared/embarrassed about getting it. I just thought, "if you're going to be giving birth in the next month or two, you have more to worry about than just a little swab - if you think that's something to avoid, what are you gonna do with all the poking, probing, and checking that will occur when you're in labour?"
This kid is definitely growing, though, i can feel a lot more baby and pressure up under my ribs, not terribly comfortable. Interestingly, i've had a few people say to me over the past couple weeks, "You sure aren't very big for being due in a month!" Yeah. Not something you'd like to hear when you're feeling quite big and cumbersome.... I'm plenty big, thanks. Wouldn't wish for bigger (like i was secretly wishing for a few weeks ago...). I know that part of not looking so big is that swimming has really strengthened my abs, and i'm not sway-back or even letting it all hang out front yet, i'm able to sit/stand pretty straight and i know my abs are holding my belly in, when i relax & let it go, it sticks out a couple more inches...
But then, i have also had a couple people say pretty much the opposite to me - a friend was walking about a block behind me the other day and she said she thought to herself "hey, that's a pregnant lady walk.... hey, that's Lynette!" so she recognized from behind from a block away that i was not walking "normal"... and a colleage said to me yesterday "you're sure leading with the belly these days when you walk".... i can tell i have started more of a waddle as of late, and these two comments confirm that. So i must not be that small!
But hey, with 3 - 5 weeks left, i'm not complaining about the heartburn, pressure in the ribs/lungs, waddling & general cumbersome-ness... i'm just glad that it's only now getting to this point of discomfort. The end is in sight!
Lynette, you also have to remember that I'm trained to watch people move, so have a fairly keen eye for that sort of thing!
It's been great to 'catch-up' on your baby blog! It was great to see you last week, and I still would love to grab a coffee before these little ones make their grand appearance! I am glad you are feling great. Hard to believe only a few more weeks to go!
While I totally agree with your analysis of the lady's comment, I just want to make sure that you do know where they swab, right? Because it can catch you off guard if you don't!
Lynette, I've just spent the last bit catching up on your blog! I can't believe it's almost time for Baby Epp. I'm so excited. It's great to hear that you're doing well!
I've been meaning to ask you, my techology-savvy friend, have you considered starting a website for Baby Epp? A friend of mine did hers through BabyHomePages.net. Seems like it would be right up your alley!
allie, yup, i'm aware that they swab 2 of the three holes down there :) and anj, i'll have to check out that site! Nicole, after this week (moving the office & setting up baby room), things should be a bit quieter, when are you free?
When I was exactly 29weeks and 4 days pregnant, someone said to me "You look ready to pop". Well, I did't think I was that big yet and with so much time left in the pregnancy I thought she was crazy. But, ya know what, I had a baby the very same day. I will never forget that comment.
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