Baby Epp

Monday, November 26, 2007

Danica's first post....

j 7gyu bhn8uo mop j jmi hkbhkitttttt7/b ugvcccccccc6d97hy9k0hhyyyhbv fcdx ddbfgbh nxsaszzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

(guess who has discovered the keys on the keyboard? All I can get out of what she typed is something about mops, bugs, and of course a good long nap at the end....)

Friday, November 23, 2007

So Danica has discovered gravity, which means her newest favorite game is throwing anything and everything off a surface to see it fall... her toys don't stay on the exersaucer or the table for very long, and this morning she tried to push the phone off the computer desk. Ah, it's cute now but i'm sure it will get old quickly, lol.

She also really enjoys "horsie rides" - bouncing on momma or daddy's knee while singing a silly inevitably gets her giggling.

I don't think I ever posted pictures of her at the pool for the first time, so here's a couple for you to enjoy...

Monday, November 19, 2007

oh what fun this will be

Given that Danica loves to be in an upright position a LOT (you should see her face when we hold her up to stand, it just lights up!), and given that our arms can't hold her up all the time, and given that she enjoys her exersaucer for a while, but then wants other diversions, Christmas came early to Danica today and she is now the proud owner of a new Jolly Jumper.

We put her in it a couple times today, and she's getting the hang of the bouncy part, and is already turning herself in circles. We have a perfect doorway for her to be in, between the kitchen and the dining room, and given that kitchen tasks such as cooking, baking or doing dishes often keep me busy during the day, it's going to be a good setup. We just have to get some of those soft foam mat squares now so she has a bit more grip, lino and hardwood are a bit slippery in pyjama feet!

Friday, November 16, 2007

someone's having a fussy day today...

might be due to the fact that she only napped for 30 mins yesterday morning, and another 30 in the afternoon, instead of her regular 45-60mins + 2-3 hours...

it took me an hour to get my first smile from her this morning, usually I get one right when she wakes up.

this could be a long day...and we're stuck at home with no car, so we can't even go shop it off!