so much new stuff
(i guess that's what happens when i only blog once a month...)
She has 2 teeth now, the front bottom ones. And she is now officially mobile - she lays on her tummy and pushes herself backwards with her hands. She has been up on her knees a couple times but not for long.
She is also getting quite the sense of humor, and tries to get our attention by leaning over and tipping her head sideways to the floor to play "peek". She LOVES the baby in the mirror, and is quite social with other (real) babies too. Her favorite thing to say is "dadadadada" (tho she doesn't know what it means yet), and she says it a LOT.
Oh, and she plays with her animal toy - the one with levers/buttons for each animal, to make them pop out of their little home (can you picture it?) but she can only do the chicken one, and she does it over and over and over "Cluck-cluck --- baCAAAAWWWW"
Hmmm...what else? we made valentines treats for a bunch of her little friends and delivered them yesterday, she helped out by sleeping well during her naptimes this week so I could bake & decorate on her behalf.
She had her first non-family member babysitter when we went out for v-day supper, she did very well, they played for a couple hours and she had fun. She's back to her normal happy self despite a pretty stuffed up nose this week...
I'm sure there's more but I hear her awake from her nap now so I'd best go.